The model has not been optimized yet


It’s been 20 hours of uploading the model, it still shows “This model has not been optimized yet.”
id: 843980
type: glb

Hi hiren_reshamwala,

We can not see any failed or succesfull optimization process on your 2nd model yet (ID:843980).
Your first uploaded model seems to have a succesfull optimization already (ID:821222).

Please go ahead and click the “launch optimizer” button to enter the optimization settings and presets menu to go ahead and optimized 843980.

Note: We can see that your input models are in a different unit system than meters (it looks like centimeters), expanding the base asset tab for these models you can rescale your input models if needed (gltf and usdz outputs unit standard is meters).

If you have any further questions or feedback please let us know!




Thanks for the reply I got it.