Animation aren't working when .glb file is compress

Hi, I’ve been testing RapidCompact for the past week and I love it because it’s the only website that compress .glb files but when i try to compress animated .glb from blender once compressed only one animation is still working, i tried all of the preset and none of them work ideally. I tried on blender severals methods to change and incorporate at my best the animation but without succeding. I would take any help and tips :wink:

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Hey Louis,

thanks for reaching out!

Would you be able to share an example file? I know our tech team is working on improved animation support as well for an update to go live during / after SIGGRAPH 2021, so we could have a look and try to see if the problem is already fixed or, if not, if a fix can be incorporated.

Thx & Best,

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